Thursday, October 28, 2010

Drunk on what?

I've known for a long time that I do not enjoy being drunk. I don't like being drunk on wine, beer, spirits or emotions. I had to add that last one because today I realised that I've made a lot of bad decisions in my life during periods of emotional drunkeness. 

I've been drunk on rage and hurt those close to me, being drunk on infatuation has caused the stalker in me to reveal herself, too much grief has lead me to depression and self harm, happiness has caused silliness and drinking in the loneliness has resulted in some of the stupidest decisions I've ever made.

I realise that 'emotions' are all part of this human experience. That being a girl puts me at a bigger disadvantage. But I'm determined. No more (or at least less) emotional drunkeness for this 27 year old. Let's settle this roller coaster down without dimming the colours. 

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