Tuesday, June 1, 2010

In heaven I hope there's:

  1. A soundtrack. At the very least I think we should all get a small choir of angels to follow us around making music according to the current mood. How much cooler are movies because of the music? I know that the closet we get to sound tracks in real life are iPods and boom boxes but really in the next life I hope the sound track is for real.
  2. No such thing as bad coffee. It amazes me that people make bad coffee. It's not that hard to make good coffee if you're willing to learn. Heaven should have no bad coffee.
  3. Great parties. With great music to dance to.
  4. BIG kitchens to cook in. Even though we may not have to eat to remain alive I hope that we can at least choose to eat. I love food. And I love cooking so I hope I get to have a least one really massive dinner party.
  5. Butterflies and birds that land on your hand when you hold it out. I love it in Disney films how all the princesses manage to have birds come and rest on their hands. I want that.
  6. NO CLEANING. seriously. none. Especially not toilet cleaning.
  7. Scooters for everyone. Too many people miss out on the joy of owning and riding their own scooter. I'm pretty sure that when Jesus prepares the houses for us he's also preparing transportation. Now in heaven we might be able to fly but...scooters are fun. Really fun.

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