Monday, May 3, 2010

I'm 26 and this is what I know now...

1. Leaving your teenage years behind doesn't mean that you're leaving pimples behind. Dealing with pus infestations on your face is something that'll happen every time you're hormonal.
2. This whole not having sex until you get married deal doesn't get easier. It gets harder the older and less married you are but marrying someone to stop this struggle will introduce the risk of a much bigger struggle.
3. Most weddings are carbon copies of each other just different people in the wedding party. Becoming 'cool' with being single at weddings is so freaking important because there's only two other options: either going crazy and performing a wedding massacre or devouring the whole wedding cake by yourself before it's cut.
4. It’s true, there does come a day when you start thinking about your baby making machine. Just like the rest of you it's getting older. Being single is fun except when that thought hits, it'll most often come when you least expect it and it'll shock the life out of you.
5. Words and faith are kind of the same. Faith without action is dead; words without the action to back them up are also useless. Wait for the boy whose actions proceed his words. Words are a nice way to communicate, actions are the proof.
6. Most BFF's don't actually make it to the forever part. Sometimes it's heartbreaking, other times it's a relief. The smartest thing I ever heard in regards to friendships is to understand that some people are in your life for a moment, others a season and fewer still a lifetime. Friendships become easier and more natural when you hold them with an open hand.
7. Make friends with your hairdresser, then they'll give you discounts. The result of this is you'll actually be able to afford to look as good as you do.
8. Never lend anything that you wouldn't give. This saves the hassle of trying to chase it up at a later date and you'll be even more pleased when it's returned.
9. Books in a bookcase might look good but books are only really fulfilling their purpose if they are being read. If a book has changed your life then pass it on, it increases the value of that book.
10. Don't expect anything from anyone that they're not already giving. Expectations cause disappointments and can ruin relationships. Accept people for where they are at and then encourage them to move forward. Choose friendships that will motivate you forward as well.
11. If you're going to wear those heels stop moaning about them. Seriously. Taking them off at the end of the night to dance is not attractive. Learn how to walk, dance, drive and suffer in those heels if you are going to wear them. Style has a price tag, complaining about how painful those shoes are puts them in the discount bargain bin. Also if you can't walk in those shoes sober, put them back.

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